Chanukah Feast of Lights Lapbook
Complement your explorations and study of the Jewish festival of Chanukah (Festival of Lights, Festival of Rededication) with these 19 delightful mini-books.
With humourous, original hand-drawn illustrations, the lapbook includes a detailed 9-page guide to "Teaching Through the Chanukah Lapbook" (including web links), along with the following 19 mini-books ready for you and your child to fill in together:
When is Chanukah?
Chanukah Heroines
* Chanukah Brachot (blessings)
* Where do we light?
* Is it a kosher Menorah?
* The Story of Chanukah
* How do we get olive oil?
* Greek ideas / Jewish ideas
* The world of Antiochus
* Drawing my Menorah!
* Is it a Menorah?
* Awesome Stuff to Eat...
* Chanukah Gems mini-songbook (with links so you can hear the songs)
* What's that in Hebrew?
* My Dreidel - dreidel game shape book
* The Maccabees
* Lighting our days
* "Chanukah" means...
* STOP - Menorah safety rules!
* Three pages of clip art (2 original to this lapbook) to decorate your lapbook!
This lapbook will allow you to engage your children interactively - using the teaching tips provided, along with the texts and websites of your choice - in authentic Jewish traditions, creating a project you can both be proud to show off over the holiday season!